What does a high performing team look like?

What does a high performing team look like?

According to Gallup, high performing teams bring some 20% higher profitability and in fact when one compares the top 25% of teams with the bottom quartile, they seem to perform better across almost all key performance indicators set by companies irrespective of what industry or country or size. In other words, they find ways to deliver the outcomes needed.

Do you want to see double figure growth?

Do you want to see double figure growth?

Do you want to see double figure growth? When it comes to getting the most out of employees’ strengths and unlocking their potential, managers play an essential role. A Gallup global research on strength-based companies indicates a 10% to 19% increase in sales, a 14% to 29% increase in profit, a 26% to 72% lower turnover (in high turnover organizations) and 22% to 59% fewer safety incidents.

The 3 Step Talent Builder

The 3 Step Talent Builder

As a coach we know that all of our clients are unique and they have so much more potential to tap into and create a more fulfilling life. We also have the opportunity to take our coaching business to the next level by focusing on the unique way we market, connect with the prospects, close the coaching agreements and coach them through their coaching program.

ICE at International Coaching Week

ICE at International Coaching Week

The International Coaching Week organized by the ICF is round the corner and we at ICE have no less than FIVE exciting events scheduled for that week! Find out more and join us at the upcoming Webinars and Workshops in May!