What is Coaching?

What is Coaching?

Context Coaching is still a young profession. International Coaching Federation, ICF, which is the most recognized and the largest self-regulated coaching body in the world, was only registered in 1995. And today, still, the most common question is, what is coaching?...
Benefits of a Pilot Coaching Session

Benefits of a Pilot Coaching Session

Interview with Taymour Miri Elham Mazaheri: Hi Taymour, I am researching the experiences of coaches about the idea and benefits of having a pilot session with a prospect client. My goal is to bring some insights to coaches who are starting off who are not familiar...
What is Executive Coaching?

What is Executive Coaching?

Executive Coaching Executive coaching is a powerful tool used by a growing number of leaders. In today’s economy, CEO’s, Executives and Senior Managers are often under pressure to deliver better profits, faster turnarounds and more effective people...
Organizational Coaching

Organizational Coaching

Context The use of coaching has become very common in organizations these days, and performance consultants have been at the forefront of using organizational coaching for over 30 years. This article intends to answer the following questions: What exactly does...